Lena Frölander-Ulf
illustrator, writer & artist
Published books & plays
For information on foreign rights, please contact literary agency Rights and Brands.
Omni-illustrated chapter book, 8+ yrs
The world's cutest dystopia!
The story of a lonely ship on a never-ending search for land. And about being the only child on board. As far as one knows, at least...
Noah's Ark goes Titanic goes adventure novel by Lena Frölander-Ulf. Scraperboard illustrations on every page.
To be published in the fall of 2026.
Rafsa Stentramp
Chapter book, 8+ yrs
The Great Marmot Plan is to rescue all the animals held captive, fight the biggest and baddest snakes ever known and take back the stone field. What could go wrong?
Part three of a chapter book trilogy – A grand tale about oppression, injustice, prejudice and about finding one's own way in life.
Rafsa Rotlös
Chapter book, 8+ yrs
Rafsa and her friends have escaped to the forest. They have to find Rafsa's father, for he is the biggest marmot ever known and the only one who can save their home.
Part two of a chapter book trilogy – A grand tale about oppression, injustice, prejudice and about finding one's own way in life.
Rafsa Vildpäls
Chapter book, 8+ yrs
Rafsa is a willful marmot girl who life on her beloved stone field in the forest. When she gets to know the viper Ziczac, she realises her world is about to change.
Part one of a chapter book trilogy in the spirit of Richard Adams' Watership Down. A grand tale about oppression, injustice, prejudice and about finding one's own way in life.
Nominated for Runeberg Junior.
Fidel och jag i storstan
Muru ja minä metropolissa
Text & ill: Lena Frölander-Ulf
Pappa, jag och havet
Isä, minä ja meri
Text & ill: Lena Frölander-Ulf
Jag, Fidel och skogen
Minä, Muru ja metsä
Text & ill: Lena Frölander-Ulf
Me, Fidel and the forest – A story about facing the dark and seeing light also where there is very little of it.
Nominated for Toisinkoinen, Finlandia Junior and Runeberg Junior.
The scraperboard illustrations are part of the Gothenburg City Museum Art Collection.
Schildts&Söderströms / KSS 2016
Nelson Tigertass
Nelson Tiikeritassu
Text & ill. Lena Frölander-Ulf
Suom. Jaana Nikula
Nelson Tigerpaw – An adventurous chapter book about social injustice and friendship. And about becoming as brave as one wants to be. From 6 years, for the whole family.
Winner of the Arvid Lydecken award 2020. Nominated for the Nils Holgersson plaque, Finlandia Junior and Runeberg Junior.God Jul önskar Gromten
Text & ill. Lena Frölander-Ulf
A postcard-size christmas story about a green little sort of Santa's helper – a grelfer! – who specializes in finding new homes for outgrown sportsware, toys and teddybears.
Publisher: Förlaget 2019
Gromtens webbsida på svenska:
www.gromten.com(inkl. Hannas Juldagbok, 2020)
Kids' plays
Plays for Teater Taimine – a professional touring theatre for kids
”The gore of Greg”, 2025–, a bloody play about standing one´s ground when no one believes you. Even though you know the new history teacher EATS children ...
”Party for real”, 2023–, a play about standing one´s ground when being a shy introvert.
”Scary for real”, 2020–, a kindergarten play about braveness, cooperation and finding friends.
”Kissing for real”, 2018–19, a kindergarten play about love and good ol' times.
Older books
Sagan om prinsessan Bulleribång – A princess rescues her prince from a terrifying dragon. Text: LFU together with Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo (Söderströms, 2006)
En sann historia – A book for any child who has ever met someone with many wrinkles. And for all those who have lived a life and gotten wrinkles. A story where the wild and free meets ordinary family life.
Det är som det är, sa murmeln Pierre – In the Dark Forest there are crooks to catch, treasures to hide, wilderness to conquer and knees that need sticking plasters. But one day, everything is somehow different. Based on a Chinese folk tale. It is what it is is available on Apple Books. (Kontrabluff, 2014)
Publisher: Schildts&Söderströms / Teos 2014
Books with other authors
Adalminas Pärla – A classical tale by 19th century writer Zacharias Topelius. Digital collage illustrations. (Söderströms / Teos 2011)
Mörkerboken – The darkest children's book in the history! Text by Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo. A classical tale with b/w scraperboard illustrations. (Söderströms / Teos 2009)
Kurre Snobb och popcornen – A furry fable about addiction and decay. Text by Sanna Tahvanainen. Nominated for Runeberg Junior.
(Schildts&Söderströms / KSS 2017)
Illustrator at work
Scraperboard & watercolor illustrations by Lena Frölander-Ulf
Contact & information
Lena Frölander-Ulf (b. 1976) is a Helsinki based writer and illustrator of children's books.
Writes in Swedish and sometimes in Finnish. Lena has participated in numerous exhibitions — in Finland and internationally — mostly with her scraperboard illustrations.
Lena blogs about work and and the Gardening of Ideas on www.kreativitetsfysik.com (in Swedish).
She is a proud founding member of the punk-inspired lighthearted theatre group Teater Tapir.
Plus, she also plays the ukulele and rhythm banjo in her band Chicken Kiev.
Photo by John Grönvall
Information & contact:
Rights & Brands literary agency
Förlaget publishing
Bluesky: @lenafrolanderulf.bsky.social
För workshoppar och författarbesök i Finland, kontakta Läscentrums författarförmedling
Kirjailijavierailut ja työpajat Suomessa Lukukeskuksen kautta.
© Lena Frölander-Ulf